Showing 25-36 of 47 results
Help with gadgets and devices
Get one-to-one help if you're struggling to use your phone, laptop or other digital devices.
Learn my way: Digital skills
Learn new digital literacy skills at your own pace with tutorials and easy resources.
Learning Disabilities Carers' Social Group
Meet other people who care for an adult with a learning disability. You can chat and have a hot drink in an informal and relaxed atmosphere. You'll be able to…
Mencap coffee mornings for carers
Come along to a coffee morning for carers and the people they care for. It's a chance to relax, have a chat and connect with other people who care for…
Mental health online carer support group
An online support group where you can meet other carers and find support that can help you manage your mental health. Visit the website or contact to find out the…
Mentor a young person leaving care with Grandmentors Greenwich
A volunteering opportunity for adults aged 35 and over to support young people aged 16 to 24 who are moving from the care system to independent living. Every year, hundreds…
Online job club for deaf users of British Sign Language
Deaf Umbrella provides online BSL support workers to help members of the deaf community to engage with employment activities. You will find deaf trainers and deaf staff who speak your…
Reflections carers' online support group
The Carers’ Support Group is a free evening group for people caring for someone with dementia either in their own home or in a care home. At the group, in…
Reminiscence Project for people with dementia and their carers
Remembering Yesterday, Caring Today is a series of 10 weekly reminiscence sessions offered to people living with dementia and a supporter (a family member or a friend, for instance). During…
Respite for carers from Greenwich Volcare
Get flexible respite if you are a carer from Greenwich Volcare. They can come and keep the person you care for company and keep them safe while you take a…
Skills and empowerment for girls and young women at the Rosebud Centre for Girls
This is a space for girls and young women aged between 7 and 25 to learn skills, find friends and feel empowered as they move into womanhood. Young women can…
Support and education for young people about drugs, alcohol and crime
LACES is an educational programme which offers educational and practical support to vulnerable young people on the subjects of drugs, alcohol and crime. The founder, Charles Young, has used his…