Showing 13-24 of 28 results
Helpline for male victims of domestic abuse
If you're a man who has experienced domestic abuse, you can call ManKind's helpline to get some advice from people who will listen, believe and support you. One in six…
Information and advice: Age UK Bromley and Greenwich
Get information and advice about issues including employment, benefits, housing, legal matters, relationships and your consumer rights. They may also be able to help you with paperwork, bills or give…
Ivy Palmer Live in Care Agency
Get 24/7 live in care designed for older or disabled people who would like to continue living independently. Home carers are directly employed, policed checked and trained. They provide support…
Legal advice for residents of Bexley and Greenwich
Positive Steps Thamesmead work with advice agencies like Citizens Advice, METRO GAD, Lewisham Refugee & Migrant Network and many others to offer free advice to people in Bexley and Greenwich…
Legal services for non-abusing parents and carers who need advice about child sexual abuse
They provide specialist advice and support UK-wide around topics such as schooling, housing, benefits, criminal and civil court cases and child protection procedures, as well as qualified legal advice for…
Mobility equipment in Eltham
Get mobility equipment that can help you stay independent. Equipment includes scooters, wheelchairs, mobility and daily living aids and incontinence products. Delivery is available in Eltham and surrounding areas.
Mobility support for veterans
Get help from volunteers who can help you get the mobility equipment you need to maintain your independence at home. This support is available to people who have received at…
nia: Sexual violence and abuse support for women
A helpline, counselling or advocacy support for women and girls who have been raped or experienced forms of sexual violence. The helpline is open 6 days a week and you…
Personal alarm watch
An easy-to-use personal alarm with pedometer and GPS tracker that can help you feel safe when you're out and about so you can stay active. It's a discreet personal alarm…
Personal alarms and home monitoring
Get technology that can help you live safely and confidently in your home. It can give peace of mind to you and your family if you're at risk of a…
SAGA personal alarms
A personal alarm that can provide reassurance in and around your home by giving you a way to alert someone if you need help. They can be useful if you've…
Support after experiencing crime
Get support with form filling, getting broken doors and windows fixed, installing burglar alarms and dealing with the criminal justice system if your case goes to trial. They can also…