nia: Sexual violence and abuse support for women

A helpline, counselling or advocacy support for women and girls who have been raped or experienced forms of sexual violence. The helpline is open 6 days a week and you can get support by phone, email and online chat. 

You can stay anonymous using the phone or online chat. The counselling you get will be based on your situation. It may be individual counselling, pre-trial support for women in or considering legal action, workshops and therapeutic support groups or a play therapy service for children and their carers. 

They also provide advocacy for women and girls over 11 to provide 1 to 1 emotional and practical support. This includes support and advocacy through the criminal justice system. Women who work and volunteer at East London Rape Crisis will offer confidential and independent support. 
Organisation: nia

Suitable for

  • All ages

How to book

  • Call or email to arrange

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