Showing 13-22 of 22 results
Move it or Lose it exercise class for disabled people and over 60s
Exercise class that can help you stay active. Sessions aim to improve flexibility, aerobic health, balance and strength and use music and easy to follow routines. Sessions are run by…
Movement and Dance for over 50s
A weekly movement and dance class for adults over 50 to get together, stay active and have fun.
Personal alarms and home monitoring
Get technology that can help you live safely and confidently in your home. It can give peace of mind to you and your family if you're at risk of a…
SAGA personal alarms
A personal alarm that can provide reassurance in and around your home by giving you a way to alert someone if you need help. They can be useful if you've…
Short Term Care - Elder
When you need temporary care, Elder can connect you with a fully-vetted carer who you can trust to care the way you would.
Telecare alarms
Telecare alarms protect and help older and disabled people stay safe in their own homes. It gives you a way to call for help if you fall, feel unwell or…
Thursday monthly seated exercise
Come along to a monthly seated exercise class where you can stay active in a way that works for you. Classes will be the second Thursday of the month: 16…
Tuesday seated exercise classes
Come along to a seated exercise class designed for people with low mobility, disabilities or mental health conditions. You must book and complete a health questionnaire before coming to the…
Walking Football for men over 50
Walking Football is a non-contact version of the game which helps to maintain a healthy lifestyle and create a social atmosphere for men to enjoy. Sessions are aimed at men…
Zumba Gold for over 50s
If you've over 50, come along to a fun Zumba exercise class where you can meet others and stay active.