Showing 25-36 of 38 results
Mentor a young person leaving care with Grandmentors Greenwich
A volunteering opportunity for adults aged 35 and over to support young people aged 16 to 24 who are moving from the care system to independent living. Every year, hundreds…
Mindfulness Walk around Greenwich Park
Take part in a free mindfulness walk focussed on feeling present, engaging your senses and deepening your awareness of your surroundings. This is a beginner level walk for 1 hour…
Rainbow Call Companions: a telephone befriending service for LGBT+ people aged 75 or over
A free telephone befriending service for LGBT+ people who are lonely, isolated or in need of companionship and feel they would benefit from a friendly phone call every week or…
Reflections Friendship Group
Reflections is a free social group for people living with dementia in Greenwich, and their families or friends. Come along to find new friends, join in the activities and have…
Skills and empowerment for girls and young women at the Rosebud Centre for Girls
This is a space for girls and young women aged between 7 and 25 to learn skills, find friends and feel empowered as they move into womanhood. Young women can…
The Silver Line befriending helpline for older people
A helpline that gives people over 55 a chance to have a chat, access support and stay connected and prevent feelings of loneliness and isolation. The helpline is free and…
Thursday monthly seated exercise
Come along to a monthly seated exercise class where you can stay active in a way that works for you. Classes will be the second Thursday of the month: 16…
Thursday Reach Out Wellbeing Session
Come in and see us for weekly tea, chat, and social interaction which has been proven to help people who feel lonely or are facing challenges. It's a safe and…
Tuesday Group at St Thomas' Church
A weekly social group where members of the community can meet up, socialise, have some lunch and make friends. Have a chat over a hot drink, do some gardening or…
Tuesday seated exercise classes
Come along to a seated exercise class designed for people with low mobility, disabilities or mental health conditions. You must book and complete a health questionnaire before coming to the…
Volunteer to maintain the Pet Cemetery
Join a clean up or gardening day to help maintain the Pet Cemetery, a cemetery for pets of soldiers from the first and second world war. Friends of the Pet…
Volunteering: Allsorts on Tour
Get experience supporting people with learning disabilities and autistic people at an award-winning creative charity. Heart n Soul is an arts charity that believes in the power and talents of…