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Visual Support resources

Below is a range of printable symbols and templates that may be helpful for families and schools.

The resources follow guidance given in the ‘Policy on using standardised symbol support with children with ASD – September 2022’. This policy has been devised by the Oxleas Speech and Language Therapy Service, Greenwich Autism Outreach Service, a team of specialist teachers at Willow Dene and the Greenwich STEPS Team.

Under the 'for families' drop-own below you will find a selection of resources for that can be printed and used when supporting your child at home and when out and about. 

Under the 'for settings and schools' drop-down are examples of visual support standard templates that are used with most children when supporting them through a transition or helping them understand what their daily routine looks like.

For families


These symbols are for you to print and use when supporting your child at home and when out and about. Some parents laminate the symbols to make them last longer. You can also use ‘Tacky’Pack’ (sticky-down plastic) if you do not have access to a laminator.

Home visuals  Now & Next Board  

You can print off the Now and Next template to make it easier for you to help your child understand what is expected of them, or where they are meant to be transitioning to. There is a selection of symbols for you to choose from – they will not all be relevant to you and your child. 

The idea is to place the symbol for what your child is expected to do now in the ‘Now’ column and the symbol for what your child is expected to do next in the ‘Next’ column. You can help your child remove the symbols and move them across the board as you tell them what is happening now/next.

Ideally this visual support system should be made portable so you can use it outside of your home environment as well, for example when going shopping with your child.

Supporting self-care skills

You can use these sequence strips and/or stories to support your child with a specific self-care skill they may still need more practice in.

For example, you can have the ‘Toileting sequence’ on your bathroom wall (at your child’s eye level) to help them understand the number of steps they need to complete in order to use the toilet successfully. Most children will need an adult to guide them through the steps whilst prompting them physically to complete each step.

Sometimes it may take weeks, even months for your child to master a new skill so please do not give up!

'I can brush my teeth' checklist


Toilet sequence strip

 Getting dressed squence strip

Getting washed prompt 

Self-care Flowcharts         'Using the Toilet' - Social Story 

Choosing Boards

You can print off this board to help your child to make a choice when they struggling to think of what to do. You can take pictures of your child’s favourite toys/activities and have a maximum of four pictures on the board for your child to make their choice from. You can change the symbols on a regular basis if you want your child to access a wider variety of activities.


Positive behaviour visual prompt cards

What I did at home 

For settings and schools

These examples of visual supports are there to encourage all staff in settings and schools to ensure they use symbols consistently with children who may have social communication difficulties or autism, or indeed as part of the Quality First Teaching approach for the whole class/group of children.

These examples are the standard templates that are used with most children when supporting them through a transition or helping them understand what their daily routine looks like.

Staff in settings/schools can request more personalised symbols/visual support systems by contacting their ASD Outreach Worker.

It is important that staff using symbols and other visual support systems have familiarised themselves with the document ‘Policy on using standardised symbol support with children with ASD – September 2022’ that has been devised by the Oxleas Speech and Language Therapy Service, Greenwich Autism Outreach Service, a team of specialist teachers at Willow Dene and the Greenwich STEPS Team.

Visual templates and symbols


 now & next symbols   choice symbols

creative symbols


 morning & afternoon symbols    morning & afternoon boards

 I'm working for x3 

 I'm working for x4     I'm working for x5


Transition to a new class


 What will Secondary School be like?  

Resource pack to support transition into secondary school for children with ASD

Social Stories

Coming back to school 

Returning to school 

School Trip   

School Trip 

Summer Holidays 

Summer Holidays  


Choosing Board


123 choice board

123 choice symbols

1 2 3 choose


Emotion widget symbols

Positive Behaviour Support

  Behaviour Support            Key ring symbols

Symbols for Sensory Circuit 

1,2,3 and 'finished'    Sensory Circuit symbols