Showing 1-6 of 6 results
Activities and classes from Greenwich West Community Arts Centre
They host activities such as dance classes, yoga sessions, martial arts and language classes.
Free condoms for gay or bisexual men or trans people
Sign up to get free condoms in the Royal Borough of Greenwich if you need them and cannot afford to buy them yourself. Orders are confidential and sent out in…
Health and wellbeing advice from Live Well Greenwich Coaches
Get information and find events and support to look after your health and general wellbeing. They can help with things like healthy eating, quitting smoking, managing your money, safer nights…
Parent Support Group
A parent-led support group offering counselling, a buddy scheme, drop ins, residential weekends, discussion groups and more. The group is for parents and carers with young people and teenagers who…
Pitstop Wednesday Walk-in Clinic for STI testing for the LGBTQIA+ community
Come to a walk-in clinic to get tested for a range of STIs, get free condoms or lube, arrange HPV or HEP B vaccinations, or get information about preventing or…
Young Mums Group
A session to meet other mums up to the age of 25 and share your experience of being a parent.