Showing 1-5 of 5 results
Age Exchange Community Hub
Our modern community hub provides a welcome space for a coffee and a chance to take part in an activity class. The hub is a popular venue for old and…
Dementia Reference Group
Help make Greenwich a nicer place to live for people living with dementia by sharing your experiences and suggestions about dementia services. The group is for people living with dementia…
Dementia-friendly film screenings
Film screenings that are open to everyone, but offer a welcoming and friendly environment for people living with dementia, and their loved ones. The cinema offers free tea, coffee and…
Happy Days: Dementia reminiscence group
Get culturally-sensitive support for anyone who lives with or cares for someone affected by dementia. They understand the importance and value of providing culturally-sensitive support, which can help to re-awaken…
Reflections Friendship Group
Reflections is a free social group for people living with dementia in Greenwich, and their families or friends. Come along to find new friends, join in the activities and have…