Showing 25-36 of 45 results
Learning Disabilities Carers' Social Group
Meet other people who care for an adult with a learning disability. You can chat and have a hot drink in an informal and relaxed atmosphere. You'll be able to…
Listening books
Audiobooks for UK residents with a disability or illness that means it's easier to listen to books than read the printed word. Listening Books gives people with learning disabilities like…
Mencap coffee mornings for carers
Come along to a coffee morning for carers and the people they care for. It's a chance to relax, have a chat and connect with other people who care for…
Monthly bowling night with Greenwich Mencap
A monthly bowling night for people with learning disabilities. A Greenwich Mencap staff member will meet you outside the venue. These are drop in sessions. You do not need to…
Monthly carers activity with Greenwich Mencap
A monthly meet up where carers and the people they care for can get together to enjoy activities like quiz nights, bowling, cinema and meals out. Days, times, activities and…
Monthly meal out with Greenwich Mencap
A monthly meal out for people with learning disabilities or autism. Restaurant changes each time so prices may vary. Contact Greenwich Mencap or visit their website for details. These are…
Music therapy sessions for adults with a learning disability
Come along to a music therapy session that can help you relax and learn to express and communicate through music. You'll get to experience a wide range of different instruments…
Nutley Edge supported holidays
Nutley Edge is a rural holiday complex in Ashdown Forest that provides supported holidays for adults with learning disabilities and autism. Choose a break with activities you love and join…
People's Parliament forum for people with learning disabilities
Forums and meetings to give people with learning disabilities a chance to talk about services and how they can be improved. Come along to have your say, meet others and…
Reflections Friendship Group
Reflections is a free social group for people living with dementia in Greenwich, and their families or friends. Come along to find new friends, join in the activities and have…
Reminiscence Project for people with dementia and their carers
Remembering Yesterday, Caring Today is a series of 10 weekly reminiscence sessions offered to people living with dementia and a supporter (a family member or a friend, for instance). During…
Respite for carers from Greenwich Volcare
Get flexible respite if you are a carer from Greenwich Volcare. They can come and keep the person you care for company and keep them safe while you take a…