Showing 13-18 of 18 results
MS Society helpline for people who have Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
If you have MS, you can contact the MS Society for a confidential chat about anything MS-related, or for specific information about: MS symptoms MS research MS diagnosis disability benefits…
MS-UK helpline for people with Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
A helpline for people with MS to talk about anything from managing your symptoms to accessing benefits. You are also welcome to contact them just for a chat if you…
National Stalking Helpline
Get practical information, support and advice on the risk of stalking and how to create safety plans for a victim of stalking or their friends or families. You can ask…
Support after experiencing crime
Get support with form filling, getting broken doors and windows fixed, installing burglar alarms and dealing with the criminal justice system if your case goes to trial. They can also…
Survivors Integrated Service
Have you lived in an Irish Institution, as a child or as an adult? Was it a Mother and Baby or County Institution? An Industrial School? Or Magdalene Laundry? Our…
Welfare drop-in for residents of Charlton Triangle Homes
Get free support and advice that can help you find out what benefits you may be entitled to and get help with applications.