Showing 1-4 of 4 results
Carers support group from Irish Community Services
If you are a carer, this is an opportunity to talk to others facing the same challenges as you. The group meets once a week and is a place for…
Greenwich Parkinson's Support Group
An opportunity to meet other people with Parkinson's. Enjoy regular social meetings, activities, exercise sessions and hear from speakers on a range of topics. The group meets on the first…
Housing advice from 25th Avenue Housing
Supported accommodation for people at risk of losing their home. They offer advice and support to help get you ready to resettle in the community. They offer advice around mental…
Tuesday Club for people living with dementia
A new vibrant, social club for people living with dementia and their carers. Make friends and enjoy a range of activities including reminiscence, arts and crafts, music and movement. Part…