Showing 13-18 of 18 results
Men's Health Walk around Greenwich Park
A free and friendly walk for men to chat, whilst helping you to get active and meet like-minded men. Wear appropriate clothing for the weather and footwear for walking.
Mindfulness Walk around Greenwich Park
Take part in a free mindfulness walk focussed on feeling present, engaging your senses and deepening your awareness of your surroundings. This is a beginner level walk for 1 hour…
Support for women and girls experiencing abuse
Free and confidential advocacy, counselling, weekly drop ins, advice and training for women and girls who have or are experiencing abuse in Greenwich. The Her Centre is a local women’s…
Thursday monthly seated exercise
Come along to a monthly seated exercise class where you can stay active in a way that works for you. Classes will be the second Thursday of the month: 16…
Tuesday seated exercise classes
Come along to a seated exercise class designed for people with low mobility, disabilities or mental health conditions. You must book and complete a health questionnaire before coming to the…
Walk and Talk: Local walks for beginners
Take part in free, fun and friendly walks to meet new people and get more active. These 1 hour walks are beginner level and guided by a walk leader. There…