Showing 13-18 of 18 results
Men's Health Walk around Greenwich Park
A free and friendly walk for men to chat, whilst helping you to get active and meet like-minded men. Wear appropriate clothing for the weather and footwear for walking.
Mindfulness Walk around Greenwich Park
Take part in a free mindfulness walk focussed on feeling present, engaging your senses and deepening your awareness of your surroundings. This is a beginner level walk for 1 hour…
St George's Community Cafe
Come along to the community cafe for a warm space to enjoy free hot and cold drinks and toast. All are welcome. Toys are always out for any children you…
Thursday monthly seated exercise
Come along to a monthly seated exercise class where you can stay active in a way that works for you. Classes will be the second Thursday of the month: 16…
Tuesday seated exercise classes
Come along to a seated exercise class designed for people with low mobility, disabilities or mental health conditions. You must book and complete a health questionnaire before coming to the…
Walk and Talk: Local walks for beginners
Take part in free, fun and friendly walks to meet new people and get more active. These 1 hour walks are beginner level and guided by a walk leader. There…