Showing 25-36 of 94 results
Community food bank for Greenwich residents
The food bank is open to Greenwich borough residents. They supply non-perishable food to those who need it most, toiletries and some items for babies such as nappies. The food…
Connect Groups at Christchurch East Greenwich
Connect and meet others over hot drinks and biscuits and catch up before bible study and discussion. New members are welcome at any stage of their Christian journey. The group…
Dance for Health
Have fun, get fit and improve your balance, co-ordination and flexibility. Make friends and enjoy dancing as a group to music of all genres. Sessions are designed to increase your…
Dancing and exercise with Greenwich Mencap
Come along to Greenwich Mencap's dance and exercise sessions for people with learning disabilities or autism. These are drop in sessions. You do not need to be a member or…
Dementia Choir
Joyful Voices is a choir for people living with dementia, their care givers and people who are dementia friendly. The group use music to bring joy, comfort and connection to…
Dementia Reference Group
Help make Greenwich a nicer place to live for people living with dementia by sharing your experiences and suggestions about dementia services. The group is for people living with dementia…
Domestic abuse advice drop-in
Get practical and emotional support about domestic violence. They can provide legal and benefits advice. They can also refer you for emergency housing, specialist immigration, social care and counselling. Visit…
Domestic abuse advice in Greenwich and Ealing
Practical and emotional support for survivors of domestic violence and abuse by empowering them to overcome trauma, rebuild their lives and regain their independence. Their domestic abuse advice service offers…
Elders Outreach for Irish people over 55
Free, culturally sensitive advice and support for Irish people over 55 who do not want to use services from large organisations. They can help you: complete forms get benefits and…
Eltham Knitters
A long-established knitting group who meet for company, conversation, and knitting. The group doesn't have an instructor, so you should already be a confident knitter to get the most out…
Eltham Park Health Walk
Take part in a free, fun and friendly walk to meet new people and get more active. This is an intermediate level walk for 1 hour around Eltham, guided by…
Emotional support for carers
Come along to chat to someone if you need some emotional support or put you in touch if you need practical help or advice. Volunteers can be flexible around your…