Showing 1-4 of 4 results
Abbey Wood Women's Institute monthly meetings
Come along to take part in a variety of activities, meet new people, make new friends and find opportunities to take an active role in the campaigns championed by National…
Carers Peer Volunteer Project
A chance for carers to volunteer to support other carers. The project gives you an opportunity to get involved in something you have an interest or passion in. The volunteering…
Greenwich multiple sclerosis (MS) support group
A local group for people with MS to get emotional support, information, help to access services and financial support from volunteers. The Greenwich MS Society also offers a dedicated support…
Skills and empowerment for girls and young women at the Rosebud Centre for Girls
This is a space for girls and young women aged between 7 and 25 to learn skills, find friends and feel empowered as they move into womanhood. Young women can…