Support to return home after leaving 24 hour mental health care

Greenwich Mental Health Hub can help you return home and rejoin your community after leaving 24 hour mental health support.

The support is designed to help address the challenges you face, take positive steps in your life and help manage your mental health. They offer a mix of clinical support like treatment, medication and diagnosis and non-clinical support like support groups and counselling. 
Organisation: Bridge Support

Suitable for

  • All ages
  • Mental health/acquired brain injury

How to book

  • Referral needed
    You will need to be referred by your GP to the Greenwich Mental Health Hub (GMHH)

Contact details

General enquiries
020 8301 8960

If you've been referred by your GP and under GMHH care
020 3927 6200

Oxleas 24 hour crisis line
0800 330 8590

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