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Advice & Information

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Education & Schools

Children can start school in the September before their fifth birthday and attend up until they are aged 11.  In the September before their 12th birthday they transfer to secondary school and can attend up until they are aged 18. Some special schools offer places…

Education, Health and Care Plans

What is an Education, Health and Care Plan? The Children and Families Act puts children and young people at the centre of the assessment and planning process so that outcomes are co-produced with parents/carers and/or with young people themselves; 16 to 25 year olds should be especially involved with this. Education,…

I am worried about my child's health and development

All children are individual and will develop at different rates. However, to get a general idea ‘milestones’ are used to help track your child’s development and to give an indication as to whether they are progressing at a ‘typical’ rate. This page contains responses to…

Receiving a diagnosis

Finding out that your child has a special educational need or disability can be a confusing and emotional time for parents. While some may receive a specific diagnosis, others may be told their child has an additional need or global developmental delay. In some cases…

Support for parents and carers

Most families of disabled children can access the support they need directly without a social care assessment or intervention. There are a number of universal and targeted services available to families through the local offer. These include parenting support services, short breaks and leisure activities…